– Understanding Bootstrap, ability to write layouts without reading documentation,
– Understanding WordPress architecture – administration, content management and creation,
– Ability to develop and extend WordPress modules and templates – you do not have to be an expert, but you have to know how to use Internet (i.e. stackoverflow);
– Ability to write readable, symanthic HTML, CSS, JS code that has high performance and good results in PageSpeed Insights; (nice to have: if there are possibility to do so usage of CSS instead of JS & usage of VanilaJS instead of jQuery);
– Being able to develop custom PHP modules in MVC architecture (CodeIgniter4) – basic knowledge about SQL required.
– Creativity and problem-solving mind – ability to search in Internet “how to solve some problems” and choosing right solutions, ability to use documentation
// requirements
– High level of sense of esthetic/taste
– Experience (min. 2 years) in Website design (80%) and Print design (20%) with Adobe software: Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign (we don’t accept CV without Portfolio )

– Understanding Bootstrap, ability to write layouts without reading documentation,
– Understanding WordPress architecture – administration, content management and creation,
– Ability to develop and extend WordPress modules and templates – you do not have to be an expert, but you have to know how to use Internet (i.e. stackoverflow);
– Ability to write readable, symanthic HTML, CSS, JS code that has high performance and good results in PageSpeed Insights; (nice to have: if there are possibility to do so usage of CSS instead of JS & usage of VanilaJS instead of jQuery);
– Being able to develop custom PHP modules in MVC architecture (CodeIgniter4) – basic knowledge about SQL required.
– Creativity and problem-solving mind – ability to search in Internet “how to solve some problems” and choosing right solutions, ability to use documentation
// requirements
– High level of sense of esthetic/taste
– Experience (min. 2 years) in Website design (80%) and Print design (20%) with Adobe software: Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign (we don’t accept CV without Portfolio )