Indictment Order Issued Against Leaders of the Geek Group for Their Role Using BTC in an Illegal Money Transmission Business

A U.S. District Court has indicted three individuals behind the now-defunct Geek Group for their role in running an illegal money transmission business that used bitcoin to move funds across states. According to the indictment documents, it was Christopher Allan Boden then president of the Geek Group, who “sold bitcoin to numerous customers, in ...
6 March 2021

John McAfee Indicted by DOJ Over Alleged Cryptocurrency Fraud Charges

Tech entrepreneur and former anti-virus tycoon John McAfee has been indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on money laundering and fraud charges. The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York and the FBI unsealed the indictment charging McAfee and his associate Jimmy Watson with securities fraud. John McAfee Indicted ...
6 March 2021
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Start Using Bitcoin in Thailand! Enjoy Your Life!

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From Now you can use Bitcoin in Thailand – we convert crypto and the seller gets Thai baht for goods and services.

Our platform is the gateway for merchants and Real Assets Agents to interact actively with crypto users worldwide. Open doors to new possibilities in Thailand!

We educate our partners and offer free help by personal assistants at sales. It is our vision and goal to bring as many investors to Thailand and help the country to become the legal paradise for honest crypto owners worldwide. 

Wanda.Exchange Co., Ltd.