Goldman Sachs Sees Huge Institutional Demand for Bitcoin — 76% of Clients Say BTC Price Could Reach $100K This Year

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs is seeing huge institutional demand for bitcoin with no signs of abating. A survey of Goldman’s institutional clients shows that 61% expect to increase their cryptocurrency holdings. Meanwhile, 76% say the price of bitcoin could reach $100,000 this year. Goldman Sachs Sees No Signs of Institutional Demand for Bitcoin ...
7 March 2021

A Crypto-Infused Professional Sports League: Billionaires Form a Blockchain Advisory Committee for the NBA

A number of National Basketball Association (NBA) team owners have formed an NBA blockchain advisory committee for the American professional basketball league. The advisory committee is composed of well known billionaires and blockchain advocates who own the teams the Nets, Mavs, Wizards, Celtics, Kings, and Jazz. Billionaire NBA Team Owners Invoke a Blockchain Advisory ...
6 March 2021
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