Spanish Ministry of Economy Proposes to Create a Financial Customer Ombudsman for Crypto-Related Matters

Crypto regulation in Spain remains on the political talks amid the current bull-run seen in the bitcoin prices. Now, the country’s Ministry of the Economy is about to create a new Financial Customer Ombudsman for crypto-related matters. Independent Financial Customer Body Will Abide by the MiCA Ruling Per La Información, Minister Nadia Calviño seeks ...
13 March 2021

Ethereum’s Buterin Highlights Layer-Two Rollups as Potential Scaling Solution

As questions circle about the network’s capacities following surging transaction costs and accelerating activity in the decentralized finance (defi) arena, Ethereum’s founder Vitalik Buterin opines that layer-2 solutions could help the network scale by a factor of 100x in mere months to meet growing demand. Sidechain Bundling Touted as Workaround to Current Network Congestion ...
13 March 2021
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