BTC Miner Stresses: ‘Bitcoin is One of the Most Environment-Friendly Financial Networks’

While bitcoin has been gathering widespread attention with prices touching all-time highs, mainstream pundits have tried to attack the leading crypto asset for its energy consumption. It seems a new ‘bitcoin is bad for the environment’ editorial is published nearly every week by mainstream journalists, tech authors, and climate activists. This week a representative ...
15 March 2021

Record for OVR NFTs: 5,000 OVRLand Sold Every Day

OVRLand is selling around 5,000 different NFTs every day. In total, OVR has sold 60,000 NFTs since its launch on November 30th. Meanwhile, the token has also reached the $1 mark. Each OVRLand is essentially an ERC721 token in which there is a 3D environment that can host games, events and tournaments. OVR Is ...
15 March 2021
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Our platform is the gateway for merchants and Real Assets Agents to interact actively with crypto users worldwide. Open doors to new possibilities in Thailand!

We educate our partners and offer free help by personal assistants at sales. It is our vision and goal to bring as many investors to Thailand and help the country to become the legal paradise for honest crypto owners worldwide. 

Wanda.Exchange Co., Ltd.