Meet Qonos- A Purpose-Built Digital Frame for NFT Art and Collectibles

The non-fungible token (NFT) artwork and collectible ecosystem has exploded in recent months and just last week, a Beeple-crafted NFT sold for $69 million at the world-famous auction house Christie’s. As the NFT space swells, a new product has been launched called “Qonos,” a purpose-built digital display for NFT art and collectibles. The company’s ...
15 March 2021

Mass Payments With NOWPayments: Easy, Fast and Truly Mass

PRESS RELEASE. NOWPayments presents a new feature for all the business-owners out there who would like to explore crypto payouts along with payments. With the mass payments solution, your cryptocurrency-savvy employees can receive their salaries in crypto. Set up a crypto payroll! Whether it’s affiliate rewards for your partners or commissions you need to ...
15 March 2021
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Start Using Bitcoin in Thailand! Enjoy Your Life!

Find Your Dream Home and Pay with Bitcoin!

From Now you can use Bitcoin in Thailand – we convert crypto and the seller gets Thai baht for goods and services.

Our platform is the gateway for merchants and Real Assets Agents to interact actively with crypto users worldwide. Open doors to new possibilities in Thailand!

We educate our partners and offer free help by personal assistants at sales. It is our vision and goal to bring as many investors to Thailand and help the country to become the legal paradise for honest crypto owners worldwide. 

Wanda.Exchange Co., Ltd.