TNC Launches UAE-Based Exchange Platform Aladdin Exchange

PRESS RELEASE. TNC Group, the global blockchain entity responsible for massive projects in the blockchain and crypto space, recently launched the Aladdin Exchange — a UAE-based cryptocurrency exchange. The TNC team moves closer to realizing their vision of pushing forward more blockchain technology adoption in the world as the exchange garnered much support even ...
17 March 2021

Hedge Fund Manager Says Sell-off in US Treasury Bonds a Threat to ‘High-Flying Assets’ Like BTC

Hedge fund manager Bob Prince has warned that the recent sell-off in the U.S. government bond market could accelerate and this could “threaten high-flying assets” like cryptocurrencies and blank cheque companies. Prince, who is the co-CIO at Bridgewater Associates, links this looming downturn in the $21 trillion Treasury market to the improving economy as ...
17 March 2021

Inflation Concerns Supersede Covid-19: 220 Investors Managing $650B Say Economy’s Biggest Risk Is Inflation

As mainstream media pundits like the Bloomberg economics editor Peter Coy tell Americans to “tune out the hyperinflation hype,” fund managers from a recent Bank of America survey who collectively manage $630 billion, believe inflation is the biggest risk to markets right now. Instead of the former concern over Covid-19, the current number one ...
17 March 2021
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