NFT-Related Token Prices Soar Amid Digital Art Mania

Crypto assets that are linked with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) marketplaces have risen sharply since the mania took off a few months ago. NFTs are selling at prices that many consider ridiculous for intangible artwork. Third-Largest Art Sale by a Living Artist Was Tokenized One piece of art created by the digital artist called Beeple ...
19 March 2021

Lindsey Lohan Jumps Into NFT Market Auctioning Her Own Creation

The famed American actress, artist, singer, and entrepreneur is set to auction her exclusive collectibles on a Tron-based NFT auction platform, joining the chorus of celebrities promoting coins and projects in the blockchain ecosystem. Hollywood Star to Promote NFT Education & Adoption in Upcoming Clubhouse Session The recent non-fungible token (NFT) asset boom has ...
19 March 2021

SmartKey Shows There Is Real Value and Utility in NFT Tokens

NFT tokens are taking over the investment scene these days, with unbelievable valuations and all kinds of brands and major artists rushing in. On the technology side SmartKey shows that NFT tokens can be used for more than just speculation, bringing real value and utility to the world. The project is now listed on ...
19 March 2021

Bank of America Says the Only Good Reason for Holding Bitcoin Is ‘Sheer Price Appreciation’

Bank of America sees no good reason to own bitcoin other than “sheer price appreciation.” The firm’s strategists found that the cryptocurrency’s “inflation hedging benefits are not particularly apparent.” Bank of America also claims that bitcoin does not offer diversification benefits and is “impractical as a store of wealth or payments mechanism.” Bank of ...
19 March 2021
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