A Forex Broker Transfers 1,200 BTC Belonging to the Mirror Trading International to a South African Liquidator

Fresh reports from South Africa suggest that a total of 1,200 bitcoins belonging to the now-defunct Mirror Trading International (MTI) were recently transferred from FX Choice to an appointed liquidator. The reports add the transfer had been sanctioned by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), the country’s financial industry regulator. Confirmation of the Transfer ...
1 April 2021

The $1,000,000 Aladdin Exchange Event Is Online

PRESS RELEASE. The most awaited Aladdin Exchange $1,000,000 event is finally live. The giveaway event is open to the public. People can register on the exchange’s official platform and win prizes. The Aladdin Exchange team announced that the event starts on March 29, 2021, and ends on April 27, 2021. With more than 2 ...
1 April 2021

PARSIQ’s IQ Protocol Launches, Powering the Tokenized-SaaS Ecosystem of the Future

PRESS RELEASE. PARSIQ launches its highly anticipated IQ Protocol – the first risk-free collateral-less decentralized finance protocol built specifically for the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) market. 31st March 2021, Tallinn, Estonia – PARSIQ has launched their revolutionary IQ Protocol on testnet (Ethereum) – a decentralized finance (DeFi) solution for the SaaS market. IQ Protocol is the ...
31 March 2021
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Wanda.Exchange Co., Ltd.