‘Black Swan’ Author Nassim Taleb Advises to Stay Out of Bitcoin, Citing No Link to Inflation or ‘Anything Economic’

The famous author of The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, says investors should not buy bitcoin. To hedge against the current turbulent market, he advises buying stocks or real estate, emphasizing that bitcoin has no connection to inflation or “anything economic.” Nassim Taleb Advises Against Bitcoin Investing Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the famed author of ...
23 April 2021

Bitgo Chosen to Manage Seized Cryptocurrencies for the US Marshals Service

The U.S. Marshals Service has published a contract showing the crypto custodian Bitgo has been chosen to manage law enforcement’s seized bitcoin acquired through criminal forfeiture. The contracted deal is $4.5 million for the storage, maintenance, and disposal of cryptocurrencies according to documents released on Wednesday. USMS Pens a Deal With Bitgo During the ...
23 April 2021

Nigerians Shun Local Currency— Seek to Protect Wealth From Inflation and Currency Depreciation with Foreign Currency

Nigerians are thought to be accumulating foreign currencies which they believe will protect their wealth from the naira’s volatility as well as the surging inflation. Further, as a research paper in a journal published by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) found, Nigerians’ use of dollars exceeds IMF’s 30% threshold. Exchange Rate Volatility and ...
23 April 2021
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