Survey: 14% of Russians Think Cryptocurrencies Will Oust Fiat in 10 Years

A new survey revealed the different stances of Russians toward cryptocurrencies and fiat currency. Specifically, some of the respondents believe digital assets will replace fiat in ten years. Residents in Moscow Believe Cryptos Will Replace Fiat, While Others Are Skeptical According to Nord News, the research was conducted by Otkritie Bank, a Moscow-based financial ...
27 April 2021

MTI CEO and Wife Issued With Provisional Sequestration Order by South African High Court

A South African High Court recently served Mirror Trading International (MTI)’s Johann and Nerina Steynberg with a provisional sequestration order. The court’s decision follows a successful court application by the five joint provisional liquidators of the now-defunct online bitcoin scam. Sequestration Not Final According to a report, the order was reportedly served on the ...
27 April 2021
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Start Using Bitcoin in Thailand! Enjoy Your Life!

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From Now you can use Bitcoin in Thailand – we convert crypto and the seller gets Thai baht for goods and services.

Our platform is the gateway for merchants and Real Assets Agents to interact actively with crypto users worldwide. Open doors to new possibilities in Thailand!

We educate our partners and offer free help by personal assistants at sales. It is our vision and goal to bring as many investors to Thailand and help the country to become the legal paradise for honest crypto owners worldwide. 

Wanda.Exchange Co., Ltd.