Tesla’s Bitcoin Stash Now Worth $2.5 Billion, SEC Filing Shows

Tesla’s quarterly filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) shows that the company’s bitcoins are now worth $2.48 billion, a substantial increase from the initial investment of $1.5 billion. This is also after the electric car company sold some bitcoins to “prove liquidity.” SEC Filing Shows Tesla Sitting on Bitcoins Worth $2.48 ...
28 April 2021

pNetwork and Algorand Officially Partner up to Build New Cross-Chain Connections

pNetwork, a cross-chain composability system that allows assets and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to move freely between blockchains, has officially partnered up with Algorand, the pure proof-of-stake blockchain focused on the convergence between decentralized and traditional finance, to launch cross-chain bridges for the Algorand ecosystem. pNetwork has received a grant from the Algorand Foundation for ...
28 April 2021

South Koreans File Online Petitions Seeking to Remove a Chief Regulator After Harsh Crypto Comments

As the South Korean government keeps strengthening the harsh rhetoric against cryptocurrencies, citizens have become increasingly angry due to the recent words from regulatory authorities. Over the weekend, petitions started to appear on the web, seeking the removal of the head of the country’s Financial Services Commission (FSC). Over 141,000 Signatures Collected in One ...
28 April 2021
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We educate our partners and offer free help by personal assistants at sales. It is our vision and goal to bring as many investors to Thailand and help the country to become the legal paradise for honest crypto owners worldwide. 

Wanda.Exchange Co., Ltd.