Cardano Blockchain Infrastructure Selected in a New Drive to Bring Sustainable Internet Connectivity to Zanzibar and Tanzania

In its foray into Africa, Input Output, a research and development product engineering company, says it will partner with World Mobile Group in a new initiative aimed at bringing sustainable internet connectivity to users in Zanzibar and Tanzania. According to the partnership agreement, the Cardano blockchain infrastructure will be used to provide affordable network ...
29 April 2021

UnoRe Ecosystem for Investors

PRESS RELEASE. UnoRe, the first decentralized reinsurance platform, is now allowing retail users to invest in risk. This opportunity is a part of the project’s vision to revolutionize the reinsurance industry, one that has been traditionally gatekept, preventing any significant innovation in hundreds of years. UnoRe aims to take steps towards alleviating the extreme ...
29 April 2021

Venezuelan Programmer Who Created the Petro Token Regrets Participating in the Project — Works on an Alternative Token

Venezuela’s government-backed cryptocurrency is not having the acceptance its cabinet expected, as the latest reports suggest. The petro’s creator, who now lives in exile, wants to build another crypto that gets the adoption its original creation did not in the nation. Jiménez Believed the Petro Could Have Given Venezuelans a ‘Measure of Freedom’ Per ...
29 April 2021
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